It's been a while since I've last blogged! We've been busy with a home improvement project, so my computer time has been rather limited lately. That, in addition to Amanda being extremely cranky over the last week. I know it's her teeth trying to push their way in, but let me tell you, I'm ready for them! It's been very hard with her wanting to be with me ALL the time. Last night, I don't think I got a full hour of sleep! She just kept waking up, and just wanted to be soothed. She was a mess yesterday!
So, back to our home improvement project! We've been thinking about replacing most of the carpet in our house with laminate wood flooring. Steve and I bought some flooring at Costco a few days ago, and were able to save a lot of money, using a coupon they had. We installed this flooring in Rebecca's room a couple of years ago, so we were up to the challenge. First up was to be our bedroom, and then Amanda's, since both rooms still had the carpet that was there when we moved in to this house. In the end, we decided to do the livingroom/diningroom instead! So, we crammed everything from the livingroom into the diningroom, and ripped up the carpet! Actually, Hannah helped Steve do this. I WISH I had taken pictures!! I know, I know.. totally UNlike me. Guess we all have our moments, huh? LOL
Steve pretty much installed the new flooring in the livingroom by himself. I was no help to him due to the baby attached to my hip! All that's left in there now, is the trim, which he will be doing tomorrow. Here's a picture of Amanda that I took today.. you can see some of the floor in it. I'll be sure to take a picture once he's finished with the room.

Of course now, we are looking at our windows, thinking we want to redo them. The room looks so big right now, with so little in it, that we don't want to overload it again. We're thinking of simplifying, and that means window treatments too! I'd like to get wood blinds/shades, so as soon as the flooring is done, we'll be looking into that! I think the room will take on an entirely different look. It already looks great!
So I've been thinking lately, about Halloween! LOL I know, Summer isn't even over yet, but I had been taken by these cute little tutus that I've seen online for little girls.. mainly for photo ops, and saw one that would be great for a costume. So, I've decided that Amanda will be a ladybug this Halloween, and I'd make a red/black tutu for her. The girls and I went to the fabric store today, and I bought some tulle. Thought I'd play around, and see if I could manage with the no sew project that I found online. I think I did pretty good for my first time! :)

So tomorrow marks the beginning of the weekend! Hurray :) We've got a pretty busy one planned. The girls and I are heading down to a local beach tomorrow, to spend the day. The girls are mostly excited about looking for sharks teeth. Something they've never done. Not quite sure why we've never gone before.. it's so close! We may go to a local waterpark afterwards, too. Tomorrow, it's working on the flooring, then we're heading over to Heidi's for dinner for a cookout and drinks. Sunday, Hannah has a birthday party, and I'm hoping we'll get the dining room at least started!
I'm sure Monday's post will bring lots of new pictures to share!! Stay tuned! ~ H