I have seen so many posts online, from Facebook groups to Pinterest, of these beautiful photographs that parents are having taken of their kids dressed up in their Halloween attire. They are fantastic, and I felt myself a little envious of the creativity these parents have put into their yearly memory capture. I decided that I would try to do this myself. I love taking pictures, though I'm not very knowledgeable with the camera. I experiment with different settings, but it's all trial and error for me. Maybe one day I will take some sort of class to learn just what my camera can do.
So after the Halloween festivities at school, I took my daughter up to the local community center, which is the gathering place for most local picture taking opportunities, from Homecomings to Proms, as it offers a very pretty, scenic setting. My little princess, donned in Princess Aurora attire, was happy to indulge me. We had a blast! I took a ton of pictures, praying that at least a few would turn out to my satisfaction. To my delight, many turned out beautiful! I took to a little editing, and voila...
I think I've found a new niche for my hobby....