As with any new venture in life, comes the unknown. Lots of new information to absorb, and starting a new way of eating is no different. I am a bit overwhelmed with all the information I'm finding, but excited at the same time. One of my biggest challenge is going to be my snacking. I'm a big snacker. What can I say, I like my snacks! My weakness is french fries and chips. So far, I've been able to resist. I know it will get easier as time goes by, but right now, it's a mental struggle. I've been trying to steer myself in the direction of healthy snacks. And this means, fruits and veggies. I know, boring. I agree! I don't mind baby carrots and celery, but pass the ranch dressing to dip them in. Until I can get that craving under control, I've been surrounding myself with fruit. Last night I spent a good bit of time cutting up strawberries and a pineapple. I have found that if I have the fruit already prepared, it becomes a way more attractive snack to me. Does that mean I'm lazy? On the new Weight Watchers plan, all fruits and veggies are now '0' points. Woo Hooo! I just wish that fresh fruit was in season right now! $$ But it's worth it.
So I dropped the ball last night on dinner. Didn't prepare myself to cook anything, so we went for a hodgepodge dinner. Steve had a large salad, with some grilled chicken breast on top. I had a smaller salad (minus the chicken), and a Lean Cuisine French Bread pizza. It was decent, but certainly no Stoffers, or Papa John's! We have a full freezer of frozen LC's and Smart One's meals.. just for this occassion (and for lunches). It certainly is an easy way to control your portions and points. But it does get boring.
There is a wide variety of Frozen meals out there for your choosing. I feel as though, over the years, I have tried many of them. The main brands are Smart Ones (Weight Watchers), Lean Cuisine (not sponsored by WW, but they do have the points on the box), and Healthy Choice. My favorite brand out of the three is Lean Cuisine. I think that most of the meals just taste (and look) better. I am not exclusive to LC though. Smart Ones have a few I enjoy. Mainly the desserts! (You knew that was coming, right?). My favorite SO dessert is the Double Fudge Cake.

Right now, if you go to the Smart Ones website, there is a $1 coupon good when you buy 5 meals. Give them a try!
I've never seen pts on the Lean Cuisine? Are you sure! I didn't even think they sponsored WW, it's the Smart Ones meals that do.
There are points on there! You have to look, because they are hidden. Keep in mind, however, they are not weight watchers endorsed, and there is a message on there about that.. use it as a guide..
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