Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012!

Not quite sure how it happened, but it did. Easter totally snuck up on me this year! I remember a few weeks ago, walking through Target and telling myself that I was going to have to come back one morning while the little one was in school, and shop for Easter basket fillings. Well that never happened. I did, however, pick up a few things here and there, THANK GOD! I dropped the ball so badly, that hubby and I were at the mall Saturday morning, before it opened, waiting for the Easter Bunny! Thankfully we went early, and didn't wait long.. Whew... crisis avoided..

Anyway, Easter went off smoothly, and all three girls were happy. Got the eggs dyed and hidden.. the little one had a blast with the egg hunt! Even tried out a new tradition this year. The little one planted "magic jelly beans" (any type will do) in the garden, in hopes that the Easter Bunny would come and sprinkle some magic on them and grow something wonderful... Here is the result:

Planting the "magic beans"

Look what grew!!! Lollipops!

Another tradition that we've been doing for years with the older girls, and now very excited to do it for the little one, is bunny tracks! Yes, that pesky, yet generous, Easter Bunny always seems to leave a little mess behind for me to clean up. But the kids love it so much, that I can sacrifice a little time to clean it up... Here you go... homemade Easter Bunny tracks...

These bunny tracks were made with a homemade stencil and baby powder! Easy to make, and easy to clean up!


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