I know what you are thinking... SECOND post in ONE day! Consider yourself lucky :) I would have actually put this in my prior entry, but I didn't want to make it too long. Besides it's easier to find each topic when they are separate.
To get my kids ready for our upcoming journey, because I am constantly hearing, "How many more days?", I decided to give mainly the youngest something concrete, that she could actually see and interact with. This way, she can see for herself, how many days are actually left (And I can keep another small piece of my sanity). Trying to figure out what to do was the hard part. So I do what I always do, and search pinterest! Never to disappoint, I quickly found the perfect countdown calendar to make (because all of my previous ideas included those adorable mickey head paint swatches that Home Depot so rudely no longer carries! The nerve!!).
I actually found several versions of the countdown that I ended up making, so I adapted a few and put my own spin on it.
So here's what I used:
First, I went online and found a Mickey Head template (for the top part of the calendar). You can find the one that I used,
here. Of course you can make it as big (or small) as you want.
Secondly, for the black links in the chain, if you want to do what I did, you need to make a template. I don't have the capability to upload it here, but what I did was to go into Microsoft Word and make one using rectangles and circles. You can see both the templates in this photo: *note that I have no idea why it's sideways, for it isn't on my computer, and I can't seem to figure out how to get it to rotate here, so....
Just trace the cutouts onto your black paper and cut out.
Here are the other supplies that I used:
Items in the picture are a paper cutter, card stock (black, white, red, yellow) - you can use whatever colors you want!, stapler, Circut cutter (for the numbers), Xyron Sticker maker (to make the numbers into stickers), ribbon (if needed to hang up), white out pen (or paint pen), and wall hangers (you could also just use tape), One direction folder - Sorry, my daughter left it on the table. I did not use, but if you are a fan... *insert scream here*
The circut machine I used to cut out the numbers that go on the links. You could just buy number stickers at a craft store, but this was cheaper for me (those stickers are expensive!). I used the Xyron machine to turn them into stickers.
So here's what you do... First you need to cut out your two templates that we talked about above. Then you need to cut out your paper strips for your links. Figure out how many days you need on your countdown, and go from there. *note that my white links do not have dates on them. They were necessary so that the mickey heads would sit correctly in the chain. I plan to use these white links as "special links" where my daugher will pull them off with the link above, and get a special Disney treat (could be an activity, or snack, or something to take with her on the trip).
Once you have all of your strips cut out, draw Mickey's buttons on the red strips (in the middle) with your white out pen, and allow to dry. You can also use a paint pen (I didn't have one). Next, it's time to start assembling! Starting at the top, staple your first white link onto the Calendar head ( I hid the staple with the little red mickey head - also made with the circut machine). For the center circle, I just typed something up in Word, printed it out, and cut into a circle. Glue on.
Now attatch the first black strip. *Note if you chose to make the black strips with the Mickey ears, fold the ears up before you start linking (makes it easier). Now go on and make the rest of your chain.
Once you are finished making your chain, now add the numbers! I waited to do this last so that I could make sure I ended up with enough links... yeah, math isn't my strong suit ;)
Have fun!