Now if the weather would just stay like this! Wishful thinking, right? It's absolutely beautiful out today :) We have been wanting to get out in the yard, for such a long time, but the weather just hasn't cooperated. The last nice day we had, I ended up cleaning out the van (boy did it need it!). I'd like to throw down some grass seed, though not 100% sure it will be worth it. We have so many huge trees in the yard, I'm afraid that the roots will just continue to take all the water away from the grass. We really need to get some trees removed. Anyone know of a good, yet affordable, tree removal company? What's funny, is that Hannah noticed, and pointed out to us, that all the spots in the yard where Miley 'did her thing' have really green grass growing! LOL I'm happy to say that the grass in the backyard, actually needs to be cut! Maybe we'll get some time this weekend, if the weather stays warm.
I have figured out my new time to go grocery shopping... in the morning! Lately, it's not been much fun, going to the store with Amanda. She does fine at first, but always ends up crying. That's hard to deal with on my own, since she won't take a pacifier. Yesterday, I went to Target, and ended up having to carry her in my arms, while pushing the cart with the other hand. I managed, but it wasn't easy! She's at that in between phase. Another two months, and she'll be a completely different child. For the most part,

I was reading a comment on another blog, where it was said that blogs without pictures are boring. I have to tend to agree!!! So I have made a decision to try and post at least one picture with every entry!! I can't promise, however, that the picture will have anything to do with what I'm writing about! lol
The pictures on the left are of Amanda, of course. I was playing around with the camera outside, on a nice day. Isn't she cute? The other one I thought was just a riot! It looks as though she has had it with the cat! LOL When in reality, she was trying to get her hands to her mouth. Needless to say, she missed! Hehehe!
I have a great tree guy and he's cheap in comparison to the rest. I'll look for his number and email it to you:)
Urmmmm, I didn't mean ALL blogs were boring without pictures!!!!! I just felt that my blog might be boring for others to read without pictures to go along with what I posted about ;)
What's funny is, that whenever I would post and entry, and not add a photo, it would look funny to me; like it was missing something!! Pictures always spruce up a blog!! ;)
All the pics are great!! Still trying to figure my way around here; it almost seems too simple! I'll try to leave it so my blog name is highlighted this time instead of anonymously. You can then access my blog from there?
I LOVE the picture of AJ outside - GREAT SHOT!! You keep getting 'em!! Go mom!
~ H
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