Hope you all remembered to visit your local Baskin Robbins last night. It was 31 cent scoop night! The girls and I met up with a bunch of friends after Rebecca's practice, last night. I allowed each of the girls to get two scoops, as did I. My total was less than $2! Pretty cool! Wish they'd have them more often! I'm sure they'd do A LOT of business, judging by how busy they were last night!
Well, it looks as though the sun is trying to come out.. finally. Better late, than never, I suppose. Would be nice if we actually hit 70 degrees, like they forecasted. I'm tired of the cold weather, and even more tired of all the rain! We just had a rain shower. Amanda and I ran out to the store, and got caught in it. I had more errands to run, but decided to come on home, for I had no idea how long the rain was going to last. It's not very easy toting a baby carrier around.. especially in the rain! LOL I may try to run out later this afternoon, after I pick up the girls. However, they have a bunch of chores to get done after they finish their homework, and Hannah has practice. I may run out of time :( Steve comes home tomorrow (hurray!), and I want to get the house in order for him. I'm going on a field trip with Rebecca's class tomorrow, so I won't be around during the day to do all the last minute stuff I want to. I tell you, there's always something to do around here!
We went to our Baskin Robbins for $0.31 scoop night! It was on our anniversary and since we postponed going out to dinner til the next night, after Ian tested for Jr. Black Belt, we took the kids there to celebrate! Funny, at ours, they only allowed one scoop per person! But it was wild leaving with 3 ice cream cones for under $1.00!!!! I have to say though they were VERY small scoops!LOL!
That's strange, since on their website, it says there's a limit of 10 scoops per person!
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