Anyone else sick of all this rain? It's getting ridiculous!! Okay, so I know that April showers bring May flowers, but I'm just done. Guess May isn't that far off now, so I should count my blessings. I just don't like rain. Not to mention the cold, mixed with it. Not a good combo, if you ask me! Only in Maryland, though, can you go from 80 degree weather one day, to 50 the next! Insane!!!
We had a busy weekend, that's for sure. Steve came home from his business trip (made it home by dinner time, Friday). We ended up going out to Ledo's with Teresa,

and the gang... last minute, then early to bed. Hannah had a 10:45 game on Saturday. What a beautiful day that was!! 80 degree weather!! Blue skies!! HOT! Hannah ended up playing most of the game, for we were down a few players. She mainly plays a midfield position; one of the strongest positions on the field. It's hard, for there's tons of running with this position. Her team played well, though were outrun by the competition, and ended up losing their game.
After Hannah's game, we packed up, and ran out to get a bite to eat. We ended up at Wendy's, per Hannah's request.

After Wendy's, we met Teresa at Coldstone, and had some Ice Cream before Becca's game. Realizing that we totally misjudged the time, and how much of it we actually had, I left them at Coldstone, and ran home for Becca's waterbottle and cleats. Then it was a mad rush to her game. Luckily, it wasn't too far, and we made it in time. This was a special game for Rebecca, for she was goalie! I have to say, she did quite well, too! She's such a natural defensive player. She just has a sense for it! She ended up playing goalie for half of her game on Sunday, too!!!
After Rebecca's game was finished, they won by the way!!!, we came home to chill.. well, we tried! I ran to the grocery store for some chicken to grill, and Steve borrowed a neighbor's lawn mower so that he could cut the grass in the backyard, that was creeping up above our knees!! We were lucky enough to grill our chicken before the rains came, but boy did the temperature drop quickly!! We were sitting out back, waiting for the chicken to finish up, and it got quite cold! The girls were making a fort out of the playhouse, and didn't seem to notice the chill in the air.. how come kids are like that?
Here's some other big news!! I started Amanda on cereal this past weekend! Right now, it's still very runny when I give it to her. I'm trying to get her used to it, for she doesn't yet know just quite what to do with it. But, she likes it!! lol

1 comment:
We haven't had much rain which I'm thankful for, although we probably could use it! Hope it clears up for you soon. Have a great week.
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