I apologize for not being around here and blogging lately. It would be an understatement to say that it's been a bit busy around here. One often hopes that Summer is full of lazy days, and free time, but lately, our summer has not been like that. Don't worry, we've been having fun!!
So let's see, the last entry I posted was about when we went down to Breezy Point, in Calvert County. That day was a lot of fun, and we had hopes of getting back down there this summer, but I don't think that's going to work out... unless we find time this week (which doesn't look likely).
One of the highlights of the girls' summer was going to see the Jonas Brothers in concert. They rocked the house at the 1st Mariner Arena in Baltimore, on Aug. 6. Hannah's friend, Brittney, received 4 tickets for her birthday, so she was able to invite 2 friends along. Hannah got invited, and was thrilled. We had her keep it a secret from Rebecca, for we knew she'd be upset. Rebecca LOVES the Jonas Brothers!! Little did she know, we had tickets for her and her best friend, Jenna. We didn't let them know they were going until the very day of the concert! Thier friend, Kara, was also going, and actually sitting in the section next to us. So, we surprised them, and we all went together! It was a lot of fun!!

Since we hadn't planned any big vacations this summer (due to adopting the puppy), we decided to opt for a couple of day trips, so off to Hershey Park we went! Hannah brought her friend, Brittney along, as a birthday present to her :) We had a great day! The weather was awesome.. clear and warm, but no humidity, and a nice breeze blowing. Perfect. We actually bought 2 day passes, so that we could go another day, which we did last week. Heidi was going up, so we decided to join in the fun! Another great day in Hershey!!!

We also joined Rick and Heidi on their boat for the day. That was fun, as usual. The girls had a blast. We left Amanda with Steve's father, for we weren't sure bringing her along was the best idea. The girls had a blast on the tube! Unfortunately, as we were heading in, we got stuck on a sandbar, and Steve actually had to get out of the boat and push us!!! Crazy! Can't wait to go again :)
So Field Hockey season is here! Both girls have begun practices. It's nice to be getting back into some sort of routine again. School begins next Monday, which will be a real shocker for Hannah, who will have to get up even earlier than last year. She is not a morning person.. at all! lol I think she's looking forward to Middle School though. It's an exciting year, that's for sure. Rebecca is looking forward to meeting a bunch of new kids this year. Our school was redistricted last year, so many of her friends won't be returning to her school, but a new bunch will be coming in instead.
We are in the middle of several home improvement projects. We recently pulled up the carpet in the livingroom, and laid a laminate wood floor. It looks great! Next up, Steve has been working on replacing the facia board outside. Already, the front of the house looks so much better. He also covered up the posts out front.. took off all the rotting wood,and wrapped them. He's in the middle of sanding down our bannister, in the hopes of refinishing it to a lighter color. The next big project is the kitchen/dining room. We're going to take down the wall that seperates them, making a big, country kitchen. I can't wait for it to be done...the house is a complete mess right now! I don't have any remodeling pics yet. Would you believe we forgot to take before pics! Grrr! Anyway, here are a couple of the girls from our quick trip into Baltimore for lunch!

Looks like you have been quite busy!!! The girls must have had a BLAST at the concert! Amanda Joy looks so cute at Hershey Park! Hard to believe that fall/school stuff is starting up again. Best wishes to your girls for their first week of school!!
Hey Hannah, Becca & Amanda. Looks like you guys have a wild and fun summer. Can't believe summer is over already. Uncle Rick and I are glad you ladies had a good first day of school. Amanda is getting so big and so cute! Lov, Aunt Sandy & Uncle Rick & their 3 kitties - Kristy, Tubby & our beautiful new kitten Isabella Ardella Reckeweg.....
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