I've decided to use Crush as a learning tool this year. Amanda, Cece and I will learn what wild turtles like to eat, what kind of plants they live off, etc. I've already identified it as an Eastern Box Turtle. Not sure yet, whether it's male or female, but working on it. It seems to have found a place in the yard, near the fence, thatit prefers. It has dug into the wet soil a bit, so that it's nose is in the ground. We have been checking on Crush every day. Poor turtle has to deal with our dog, as well. lol 'It' seems to be doing pretty well, considering!
***Just edited to include a picture of Hannah and Becca with 'Crush', many years ago!

In addition, we have a bird making a nest in one of our smaller trees, so we are going to watch the progress of the nest, and look forward to the upcoming baby birds!! Last year, we had a nest in the very same spot, which did produce some baby birds. I'm guessing it's the same bird. Here's our observation of the nest today. Still on the small side, not quite ready for move in!
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