Wow, what a difference a day makes, huh? Yesterday was beautiful and warm, and today was a bit cooler and rainy! It's been yucky all day. It's one of those days where you just want to stay in bed for most, if not all, of it. Steve and I did take a nap! The baby had just woken up from a 2 hour nap, and wanted to eat. I nursed her, and she feel back to sleep, as did I. I think we slept for about an hour! Man, did that feel good :)
Before I post about our weekend, I have to mention the girls' report cards! Once again, they both got straight A's! I cannot tell you how extremely proud that Steve and I are of the two of them. Way to go Hannah and Becca!!!
Yesterday was such a productive day, and today I basically got nothing accomplished, other than going to the grocery store for dinner ingredients (we had tacos, by Hannah's request). Yesterday, we spent time outside, doing some yardwork. We started cleaning up the front of the house, as well as the side. I sware, it's like a leaf & dirt trap. The girls also tried to gather

as many sticks as they could, and we utilized the fire pit, and made s'mores. Yum! :) Yes, it was Amanda's first 'campfire'. Needless to say, she was totally amazed by the blaze!

Earlier in the day, both girls had lacrosse games. Since they overlapped a bit, Steve went to Hannah's (since he's helping out as a goalie coach), and I went to Rebecca's. Sadly, Hannah's team lost (10-8). Steve said they played well, but fell apart at the end, allowing the two extra goals by the other team. Rebecca's team, on the other hand, won their game, 10-2!! They played great. Rebecca cracks me up, for she's quite the little ham.

She'd have the ball in her net, and running down the field. As she runs by all us parents, on the sidelines, you can see her looking out of the corner of her eye at us! LOL She totally is into the whole audience thing!!

My observation was proven when I got home and looked at the pictures that I took, during her game. There is was, in plain view.. the little ham in all her glory. Well, see for yourself! LOL!! I'm quite impressed with how she can be so coordinated, as to run down the field with her eyes focused on the sidelines! hehe Both girls are great players on the field. Hannah has awesome stick skills, and while Rebecca is still fine tuning hers, she has an incredible sense of the ball at all times. She's quite aggressive, and doesn't seem to have any fear out on the field. She's also a great runner. It's so fun to watch them play! Though Rebecca's game on Saturday, seemed to put Amanda to sleep (see photo above!).
Rebecca has a game tomorrow night. Thankfully, it's a home game, and hopefully, it won't get rained out.
I snapped a few, okay a lot, of pictures of Amanda yesterday afternoon. We had her in the stroller, outside, with us. She had a ball, just sitting there, playing with her links, and watching us! Here are a few of the better (and cut


r) pics I took!