Hi everyone! Yes, I'm actually trying out a new blog. I'll still keep the old one, but will use this one mainly to post family news and happenings, as well as pictures. I've heard that it's much easier to post pictures here. We'll see! Be sure to keep checking back. Bare with me though, until I'm able to get the hang of it. The format here is much different than on Yahoo! It might take me a while.
The picture to the left is my new favorite picture of Amanda Joy. I snapped it at one of Hannah's lacrosse games. She was smiling at a friend of mine. I don't think I could have asked for a cuter picture!! I'm thinking of taking her to get her pictures done at The Picture People, soon. I wanted to wait until she showed more personality, and since she's now smiling A LOT, I'm thinking it's just about time!!
Over the weekend, I took Hannah and Rebecca to a free lacrosse clinic, given by Gary Gait. He is a Lacrosse hall of famer, and head coach at Syracuse University; a very well known name in lacrosse. The girls had fun, despite the cold temps, and even got their picture taken with him (right), as well as lots of goodies autographed.
Hey there, welcome to Blogger! I'm finding this site much less temperamental than Yahoo - and I don't have picture problems here. Amanda is adorable - definitely a good time to get pics taken:)
Hi Holly, saw your link on Jule's blog. I am on blogger too and find it much easier to visit other blogs and post from here :-)
Hope you can update often and I will add you to my 'feed' so I can pop in whenever you post.
Your little angel is looking precious. How old is she now?
COOL! I may look into coming over here too:) Now that the kids are on mine, I can't post some of the goofy stuff I used to!LOL!
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