Sunday, January 30, 2011

First Milestone Reached!!

I'm so excited.. this morning (not my scheduled weigh in day, but just couldn't help myself) I weighed myself, and I lost another pound, which brings my total weight loss to 10 pounds!!! Yes!! It has taken quite a while to reach this.. Started at the beginning of the month. But it has been worth it, for sure. I don't think I look any different, though I do feel a SMALL difference in my stomach. Woooo Hoooo!

Yesterday, the girls had an indoor field hockey tournament in Baltimore. They both played very well, and won most their games. After the tournament, a few of the parents and girls on Hannah's team were going out to eat, so we joined them. For those of you who are dieting, you know very well how going out to eat can be a bit frightening. What do I eat? What CAN I eat? Am I going to blow all my hard work in one meal? Well, we ended up going to a really cool little Pizza grille. Steve and I decided to just order a plain, cheese pizza. It was classic NY style, so the crust was thin. Let me tell you, this was the best pizza I've had in a while!! It was an awesome treat! I had 3 slices! Figure each slice was probably around 10 points (guessing -- denise, can you help me with that?), So I figure since I didn't eat lunch, I had the 20 points for the day, and any extra went into my weekly. It was so good to indulge :) Looking forward to the next one!


Denise said...

Well all pizzas are different, I checked ww food tracker, thin crust cheese pizza was 5pts per slice, but Little Cesar pizza for instance was 9pts per slice? No telling. But you didn't go crazy and you're still on track, so good for you - we all need the treats now and then.
Congrats on the 10lb lost so far. I've only lost 5 since Christmas, but it's better than nothing.

Unknown said...

Keep in mind, you are much smaller than me! I know when I got closer to my target weight, the weight came off much more slowly. Oh wow.. so I totally overestimated the amount of points for the pizza.. guess it's always better to assume higher, than lower!