Thursday, April 4, 2013

Planning, planning!

For the last several years, we have taken our family vacation in July, and have headed to the Maryland/Delaware shore.  We've stayed in Fenwick Island and Ocean City.  I grew up spending parts of my summer in Ocean City, and have fond memories of those hot summer days.  Waking up and looking out the window to the crashing waves on the sand, and the gulls searching for food.  I have been happy to be able to share this special place with my children, though I have wanted to do more.

This June, my oldest offspring will be turning 16.  What!  I remember when she was just a tot, my father in law telling me not to blink during these years, or I'd miss it, as it will go by so very quickly.  He was spot on. It seems just like yesterday that she was trying to figure out what princess dress to wear to the tea party, or which stuffed animal was her favorite (though one had to be discreet so that the other animals wouldn't have hurt feelings).  Now she's begging to drive my car, as she recently obtained her instructional drivers permit, and we are talking about college plans.  Yep, she will be turning 16 in just a couple of months.  Yes, the time went by fast... too fast for my liking.

So many 16th birthday parties are beginning to hit the calendar.. penciling them in around the millions of other obligations we have in permanent marker.  The thought of planning a big birthday party exhausts me.  Add in the fact that her birthday comes after the last day of school, and most people will be hitting the road for their own summer vacation adventures.  Will there be enough people to attend?  More stress...   Then there's the part of figuring out where to have it, what theme to use, and how to make the party "cool".  Not sure I can take it.  So I offered up a suggestion.  Something that would benefit us all!

Presenting this suggestion to the almost 16 year old made me nervous.  There was a big possibility that she'd turn me down flat.  She'd tell me that it was the stupidest idea she's ever heard, and how in the world could I come up with such a ridiculous idea.  Of course there was always the chance that she'd love it, and I'd be the best Mom in the world... for a split second.  Crossing my fingers, I announced my idea.  Instead of having a big party, how about we take a really good family vacation.. and celebrate on the powder white sands of the Florida Gulf Coast!  Hook... line... sinker!

Much to my ultimate delight, big 16 LOVED the idea!  The smile on her face said it all.  Her father even suggested that we could possibly do a small pool party before we leave, so that she would be able to celebrate with some of her friends.  So now begins the planning of our big family trip to Florida..

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